Customized formwork
Custom formwork construction
Formwork allows you to cover elements of the scenography of your event in order to hide them or make them more aesthetic.
Formwork for your event structure
Atawa invites you to make a custom formwork of the walls of your structure via the installation of partitions in order to close the latter partially or completely. The packaging of your event structure will go a long way in giving it a high-end appearance by making its frame disappear. The formwork can be made from various materials depending on the desired result: brushed cotton, digital printing... You can thus choose the desired wall color or represent a pattern or your company logo on it for example.
Decorate your event equipment
If you want a unique scenography and completely personalized for your event, it is also possible to create a formwork around your event equipment such as your furniture. It is possible to dress up a bar, a buffet or even a mixer in order to give them the desired aesthetics according to the selected dressing technique : brushed cotton, digital printing, extendex...
Hide technical elements
Les technical elements of your scenography, although essential, are often not very aesthetic. Atawa therefore invites you to make a formwork around them in order to make them disappear and remain in harmony with the overall decoration of your event. For example, you can Dress up the technical control room, the ballast posts on your structure, the totems on which the lighting and sound systems are often hung, and the light bridges.
Technical description
Frequently asked questions
Ile-de-France • Centre-Val de Loire
01 40 50 19 42
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur • Corse
04 84 49 62 64
05 35 54 59 88
Hauts-de-France • Normandy
03 74 09 83 62
Bretagne • Pays-de-la-Loire
02 57 64 07 94
Grand-Est • Bourgogne
03 52 74 06 68
04 28 29 61 35
05 82 95 39 28
Product name